Archer’s Grace, AD 1224, Connacht, Ireland, is a volatile island poised for civil war. Eloise, sole heir of Dahlquin rebels against her patriarchal society, until a treasonous siege catapults her and a stranger from her ancestral home.
What tales are revealed when an old chest is unlocked? Eight stories over seven centuries =----> including my winter solstice tale, The Dragon Lord. More adventures with Eloise and Roland in Dahqluin.
Editors' Choice - Historical Novel Society
What mystery, romance, and adventure lie Beneath the Midwinter Moon?
It may be cold outside, but inside this anthology, the Paper Lantern Writers bring you warm and engaging reflections of holiday celebrations across seven centuries.
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No one can escape destiny. But that doesn’t mean they won’t try.
Within this fast-paced anthology of historical short stories and novelettes, each protagonist must face their own day of reckoning: a day when decisions must be made and action taken.
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Writing in the past? Does your story demand a historical setting? To meet the challenge of writing historical fiction and enliven your plot, characters, setting, and story, this guide will help. No matter how, when, or where in the historical world your imagination takes you, this guide can help.
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COMING in 2025 =---->
A war torn country lies between Eloise and Roland as they try to make their way back to each other, navigating a political landscape fraught with intrigue and betrayal.audience.
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